Polmon Instruments Pvt. Ltd.

Email : info@polmon.com

Phone : +91 40 2305 7308 / 3046

pH Stat / Analyser

pH Stat / Analyser

Auto buffer recognition & up to 5 buffer calibration

Selectable temperature compensation Auto/Manual

Standard buffers selection between NIST/DIN/USA (in auto mode) or customized (only in manual mode)

Selectable auto/manual calibration

100 samples storage facility

Auto printing with selectable print interval

Each sample identified with unique numerical ID given by the user

Last three calibration details report along with electrode efficiency

Advanced diagnostics i.e. electrode working condition etc. Dual display – LED & back lit dot matrix LCD

Customized password

Built-in STAT for accurate pH control

Supports peristaltic pump for pH titration

80 column printer optional